02. Procedural vs. Object-Oriented Programming

Procedural vs Object-Oriented Programming

L3 02 Proced Vs OOP V1 V3

Objects are defined by characteristics and actions

Here is a reminder of what is a characteristic and what is an action.

Objects are defined by their characteristics and their actions

Objects are defined by their characteristics and their actions

Characteristics and Actions in English Grammar

Another way to think about characteristics and actions is in terms of English grammar. A characteristic would be a noun. On the other hand, an action would be a verb.

Let's pick something from the real-world: a dog. A few characteristics could be the dog's weight, color, breed, and height. These are all nouns. What actions would a dog take? A dog can bark, run, bite and eat. These are all verbs.

Quizzes - Characteristics versus Actions

Characteristics of an Object

Which of the following would you consider to be characteristics of a tree object?

  • height
  • color
  • width
  • species

Identify the Actions

Which of the following would be considered actions for a laptop computer object?

  • to turn on
  • to turn off
  • to erase